cobbler in dubai
cobbler in dubai

Whether you want to spruce up an existing pair or invest in something bespoke, having a good cobbler to hand is invaluable to your shoe collection – so when we heard about The Cobbler at DIFC, we had the details jotted down in our address book in a matter of seconds.

We went there with our beloved white Derby shoes, which needed a good clean and re-touch of the white.  The trained craftsman from France took some time, but definitely didn’t disappoint – the shoes were returned as shiny and bright as if we’d exchanged them for a brand new pair.

Take your pick from a menu that includes extensive shoe repair, colour changing, patina effect, and a bespoke shoe service for both men and women. They also sell a very refined and chic collection of men’s shoes with different colour laces.

The Cobbler is all about traditional craftsmanship and quality service. The interior is decorated with a very sophisticated and Parisian style that tempts you through the door. We love the fact that they offer a bespoke shoe service (perfect for special occasions like weddings or to celebrate a new job) and would happily trust them with our most treasured and expensive shoes, including our Louboutins and Jimmy Choos. And believe us; we wouldn’t trust just anybody with them!

The Cobbler, Marble Walk, Gate Building, DIFC
Tel: +9714-3863490

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